Blogs in November 2006
At Work

Just another day at the office. Very jealous of the girls in Thailand. Sun is setting over Subiaco Oval at the moment. This is my view. Much the same view as I have had for this European Summer. Wish I was sitting on the deck in Krabi with the girls sipping on a V and T. watching their tropical sunset. Bit chilly here to be honest.
Top of pageFirst Day Krabi

On our first day at Krabi we just hung out and had a swim before it got too hot. When lunchtime came, me Florence and mummy climbed over some rocks to another beach, (we could only do that because the tide was out) and had lunch there. A few days after we went to another beach, on the way we saw some monkeys and we fed them pieces of sweetcorn and bananas.
Top of pageWe are in Thailand

We are in Thailand. It is so beautiful and has so much to do. On our first day we stayed at a hotel called Novotel at Bangkok airport. The staff were so friendly they even gave Florence and I a little toy each.
The swimming pool there was one of the best swimming pools I have ever been in. We only stayed at the Novotel for one day, so next morning we got a plane then a car then a boat to arrive in Krabi. We had to get a boat to our beach, West Railay. When we arrived a man took our bags and showed us to our lovely wooden house.

God it's good to be here! Dave calls this part of our trip - me, the girls & mum in Thailand - our pre trip holiday - I call it a very necessary week of relaxation in the heat! I have been so stressed the last couple of weeks in London. I'm sure the energy flying from me could have powered a small city! What with packing the house, organising Ella's birthday & party combined with making sure we had taken into account everything we had to do & pack for the next 8 months - I was physically & mentally drained by the time we left.
We are finally plotted up on Railei Beach, Krabi, staying at 'Deborah's House' at the Railei Beach Club - a gorgeous house right on the beach, lovely sunsets & a huge deck for sittting and doing very little - just what I needed. The girls are having a ball, snorkelling around the beach and, with me, getting acquainted with the delights of Traditional Thai Massage - it's just bliss. I highly recommend the Railei Beach Club - it's pretty expensive (I am good at spending money) but still substantially less than some of the sterile resorts you can stay in in Thailand. It was definitely a great idea to break the journey to Australia - for so many reasons! At least Dave won't have to cope with our major jetlag by the time we get to Sydney........................
Arrive in Perth

Have stayed at this hotel several times before. Did not know where we were headed from the airport so a nice surprise as we drove into Scarborough. Great beach, lovely temperature. This is the view from the room and this is why I never complain about my job.
Top of pageFlying to Perth

May I recommend Singapore Airlines. Free wireless internet on this flight to Singapore. Imagine my surprise. Wireless means whole plane I guess. Good chance to learn our new web-site inside out. Thanks Pete.
Flew on Iberia recently and the staff were very blunt (I am being polite). In contrast these Singapore girls go out of thier way to please. My lovely hostess (see example to left) asked the pilot if he would change his meal choice so that I could have the last sea bass for my dinner. True story... not made up! I can only imagine what First Class is like!
Leaving London

Well that was a weird feeling. I walked out of Helen and Andy's this morning. A slight hang-over from good-bye drinks last night but a also a strange haze of 'is this real, what have I forgotten to do, am I really not going to see London/friends/home for 9 months. Nice night out.... thanks chaps. Mike Bone will have a 6 month old by the time I next see him. A very stressful last week, need I say. They tell me there is no such thing as a friction-less relationship. How do you judge when you have got that friction down to an acceptable level for both sides. Gabby has an new A4 sheet of nice life quotes..... I am sure one of them will cover this. Anyway, have you noticed that if you put a hyphen in a word suddenly it is spelt correctly. I will be in Perth before Ella's Party at the Pavillion on Sunday. It will be nice to touch base on that day. I love my family and missing days like that are harder than people think. Anyway the sparkling water is doing the trick and I am sure that I will be in the reclined position for a lot of this flight. De-stress time. A little pic of our home to remind me where I was yesterday.
Top of pageLast days in London

24th November - last day at school & my birthday
My last day at school was great, I had so much fun and was treated brilliantly. All my friends wanted to sit next to me at my lunch so I made a list of who was sitting next to me and opposite me which was quite hard to do. When my mum, aunty loo and sister appeared at the door with some big cookies I took them and hid them in a corner. After I had to come up at the front of the class and explain where I was going on my big travels. I gave out the cookies as it was my birthday.
4 days to go
We are off so soon and I am really excited!
We have so much to do before we go and are really busy. My 9th birthday is tomorrow and we have a big birthday and leaving party on Sunday so I can say goodbye to all my friends from school.
At the moment I am more excited about the trip than my birthday - but that might all change tomorrow! Tomorrow is my last day at school - when I come back I will be in year 5!
not long now........

Tomorrow it is Ella's 9th birthday and I am really excited so is Ella.
We have already moved out of our house - we stayed at Aunty Loo's for 2 nights & for the next few nights we will be staying at our friends, Evie's & Daisy's house.
We leave on Monday. First we are going to Thailand! We are going to meet lots of people while we are away. We are very excited and can't wait to start!